This week I've stepped back from making my weekly video. I haven't stopped recently! I've been writing my research on psychedelics for University, going to hospital, and making my weekly videos. In taking some time away from the daily grind, I remembered a lesson from business school.
You can either be working on your business, or in your business. The difference is this:
Working ‘in’ your business is spending time managing your business as it is today. Working ‘on’ your business is investing time so your business can be better tomorrow. — Imogen Roy
I've realised that this principle is applicable to my personal life. I'm going to start as a Junior Doctor in 2 months, and my current video process isn't congruous with a healthy or happy life. I'll end up burning out. I've always wanted to build an online presence; so abandoning YouTube when I start work isn't an option! Instead, I need to streamline my process. I'll be doing that in 3 ways:
- Speed up my planning and scripting time by putting a strict 90 minute time limit on it, taking advantage of Parkinson's law.
- Bulk record videos, recording 3 videos in one sitting.
- Hire an editor.
Just as businesses need to work on their high-level strategy—focussing on the big picture—I believe that we can apply that thought process when reflecting on and evaluating our personal directions.
🔊 Resonators
Visualise Value: Permissionless Apprentice (Product)
Visualise Value simplify complex concepts and quotes into simple images (example below). This is a course on how to engineer opportunities on the internet. How to create value for your dream employer before you get the job; creating proof-of-work to get your foot in the door.
I've been tempted to buy the Permissionless Apprentice before (was $99), but never got round to it. Now it's free. I hope this course may provide some value to you.
Here's an example of Visualise Value's work:

Metformin, the big new "anti-aging" drug, explained (Video)
Drug discoveries often happen completely by accident. Antidepressants were discovered when trying to develop a treatment for tuberculosis. When a company were trying to treat high blood pressure in the lungs, they discovered that the patients had a major, intrusive, side effect—hence Viagra was born. Could Metformin, one of the standard treatments for diabetics, be the solution to the age-old problem of ageing? Cleo investigates that question in this video.
Almanack of Naval Ravikant (Book)
Naval Ravikant is a wildly successful entrepreneur and has recently become admired for his modern-day philosophy. I first discovered him through this podcast, I've been hooked on his ideas ever since. There are two concepts that have stuck with me from this book:
- We need to develop “products with no marginal cost of replication.” That means whether one person buys your product, or watches your film, that costs you the same amount of time & money than if 1,000,000 people do. These products include books, media, movies, and code. I've been doubling down on the media aspect.
- When giving feedback, Naval recommends to: "Praise specifically, criticise generally." I'll be keeping this in mind as I hire an editor to streamline my video process.
“There is no such thing as work-life balance. Everything worth fighting for unbalances your life.” ― Alain de Botton